Structural Composition Of Plastic Industry Parts Mould

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Structural Composition Of Plastic Industry Parts Mould

Structural composition of Plastic Industry Parts Mould

1. Molded parts

Molded parts are usually composed of cores, concave mold cavities, threaded cores, inserts, etc., which are parts that give shape, structure, and size to the molding material.

2. Pouring system

The gating system is a channel that guides molten plastic, usually consisting of the main runner, a branch runner, a gate, and a cold slug well.

3. Guide parts

The guide part plays the role of guidance and positioning, and its setting can ensure the accurate alignment of the movable die and the fixed die when closing.

4. Release mechanism

The molding machine is a device that realizes the demoulding of plastic parts and casting systems. etc. composition.

5. Temperature regulation system

In order to meet the mold temperature requirements in the injection molding process, it is necessary to use a mold temperature adjustment system to adjust the temperature, such as cooling water, hot water, hot oil, and electric heating systems.

6. Exhaust system

There is usually an exhausted groove on the parting surface of the mold, the purpose of which is to allow the gas in the mold cavity to be discharged smoothly. In addition, the gap between the pushrod and the slider of many molds can also play a role in invention.

7. Other structural parts

Refers to the parts set to meet the structural requirements of the mold, such as fixed plates, movable/fixed templates, support heads, and connecting screws.