Injection Molded Plastic Industry Parts

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Injection Molded Plastic Industry Parts

Injection molding can create parts for a variety of projects and industries. From cars to computers, from motorcycles to models, injection molding is how modern products are made. In fact, plastic parts made with injection molding surround each of us every day.

What makes Plastic Industry Parts so attractive to businesses is that they are efficient to manufacture, reliable to use, and inexpensive to produce in high volumes. To learn more about how plastic injection molding works, click here.

Injection molding is best for larger projects; a production run requires at least 100 units. Once you create your mold, the more you produce, the lower your unit cost.

Injection mold making

Molds are created in different ways to do different jobs. Some molds are made of aluminum. These are usually cheaper and don't last more than a few thousand cycles. Rex Plastics uses tool steel to manufacture our molds. These steel molds can last millions of cycles and come with a lifetime warranty.

The service life of a mold depends on many factors. Often, the product being produced will have the biggest impact on the life of the mold. Some components require extreme temperatures or pressures, and these elements take their toll over time.

The material from which the part is made also affects the mold.