How Does Mold Grow In Your Trash Can?

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How Does Mold Grow In Your Trash Can?

The Trash Can Mould's trash can contains all the ingredients needed for mold to grow, including:

Mold spores.

They are present in the air and dust as they settle in the litter box and absorb nutrients that allow mold to grow.


In the litter box, there is a lot of moisture from thrown food. Moisture is the main element for mold survival and reproduction.

Oxygen supply.

The litter box can be opened or sealed. Oxygen is available in both open and closed containers, allowing mold to grow and multiply more mold spores, enhancing its spread.


Most litter boxes are closed and placed in a house without sunlight, so it is a favorable area for mold growth.
food source. Mold needs food to survive and produce spores. The trash can is filled with food materials that mold can eat and promote its growth.